Tag ~lightspeed india

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Indian online teaching platform Teachmint raises 165 million

Indian online learning giant Unacademy in talks to acquire Rheo TV

Indias top VCs face fresh obstacles as startup investment plummets

Lightspeed says India not for the fainthearted amid Sequoia split

Fivemonthold Indian AI startup Sarvam scores 41 million funding

Lightspeed says India not for the fainthearted following Sequoia split

Indian edtech Teachmint raises 20 million to expand to new categories and geographies

Indias Udaan scores 340 million in new funding

Indias first Earthimaging satellite startup raises 5 million first launch planned for later this year

Daily Crunch: US dangles reward up to 10M for info on 6 elite Russian military hackers

Mukesh Bansal seeks over 100M valuation in new ventures maiden funding

Lightspeed fuels Indian workspace interiors platform OfficeBanao with 6M funding

SolarSquare raises 40 million in Indias largest solar venture round